August 25, 2006


Was freue ich mich auf diesen Film! Ich meine, ich freue mich eigentlich nie wirklich auf einen Film, wenn News WX und Trailer XY zu YZ erscheinen, aber da George Romero - einer der wenigen wirklichen Lieblingsregisseure von mir – seinen großartigen „Land of the Dead“ fortsetzt, dann ist das durchaus ein Grund mehr, voller Freude ins Wochenende zu starten.

"The Hollywood Reporter writes that horror maven George A. Romero has signed on to write and direct "George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead," the latest sequel to his 1968 cult classic "Night of the Living Dead."

With a story mixing elements of "The Blair Witch Project" and the long-running "Dead" series, the film will follow a group of college students shooting a horror movie in the woods who stumble upon a real zombie uprising. When the onslaught begins, they seize the moment as any good film students would, capturing the undead in a "cinema verite" style that causes more than the usual production headaches.

After going more than two decades without making an independently financed zombie film, Romero told his production partner Peter Grunwald he was frustrated working within the system. "I was trying to convince Peter we could just run off and do it ourselves," he said."
